We are a non-profit organisation that provides on-going support, education and advocacy for people with MS and their support networks. We aim to educate the general public, employers and health professionals about MS and to actively encourage on-going medical research. On this site you can find information, education and support to assist those with MS and their support networks to achieve their full potential in South Canterbury.

MS Society Community Advisor's provide on-going support to people with MS by:

  • working with people newly diagnosed with MS on a one-to-one basis
  • offering up-to-date knowledge of MS and its management
  • providing advocacy and support
  • offering counselling or referrals to appropriate agencies
  • supporting partners, carers, families, friends, health professionals, employers and workmates
  • facilitating groups for people newly diagnosed and their partners, carers, children, workmates
  • offering assessment facilitation
  • providing social contact with other people with MS, on either a group or individual basis
  • liaising with other services such as home-based care providers, community health services, counsellors, health professionals and Income Support to coordinate client needs carrying out assessments for total mobility.

Empowering people with Multiple Sclerosis, to lead independent, active and fulfilling lives as they are able.

Community Advisor

"I have a background in nursing working a general hospital and then later 12 years in District Nursing. This is my passion, working with people in their own homes. I believe my role as a Community Advisor is to give support to people with MS and their families/whanau and careers. To provide support, education and advocacy to enable people with MS to make informed choices about the management of their MS and remain as independent as possible and to participate as fully as possible in all aspects of life."

Our Community Advisor service is private and confidential. And in addition to Fiona's nursing qualifications, she attends an annual training workshops provided by the MS Society of New Zealand. We are able to meet with you at your home, work or any place of your choice. We can be contacted by phone, email or by calling in to our central office. Contact us


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